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What To Do When Your Ex Reaches Out Again After Breaking Up With You
What does it mean and what should you do when your ex reaches out again after you've broken up?
Dr. Marni

10 Harsh-But-True Facts About Being In Love With A Married Man
Statistics show that a tiny percentage of married men who have affairs go on to divorce their wife and marry their affair partner.
Dr. Marni

Is The Person You're Dating Giving You Mixed Signals?
Mixed signals are simply bad signals in disguise. As a therapist, my single clients and friends often ask me what might be happening in...
Dr. Marni

A 5-Step Plan To Stop Being The 'Other Woman' And Finally Walk Away From An Affair
It's time to move on and find a real relationship. No one sets out to be "the other woman." True, some women may set out to have an...
Dr. Marni
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